Our Vision

We look towards the future through a large window but also keep in mind our technical engineering past where our experience is second to none. Motivated by the constant change we live in today, keeping ahead and planning a path with our criteria of quality, innovation and know how.

We look at developing products and services that will provide a underlining benefit for our customers, making their lives better and providing innovative solutions for the challenges ahead.


Our fields of expertise are alligned to:

Industrial Controls & Automation

Educational products and services

IP Communications and Building Automation

Security & Access Controls

IoT (Internet of Things) Devices

Health Care Assisted technology

Software and App development


In addition, we believe in tomorrow and the opportunities it will bring as well as we need to keep in mind in lending a helping hand to those less fortunate. Through our philanthropy program we continue to provide and assist those in need either through donations and/or our products or services. It is one thing to talk about, at Coraus Innovations Labs we do, it is our responsibility to our community. Our passion extends beyond our products and services, to set a leading example for us all.